Monday, March 2, 2009

Princess Peach

Okay, so for my first little info thing, I am going to be talking about Princess Peach. Now I think it is safe to say that people already know who she is, but just in case, or for the hell of it, I am going to introduce her to you. Peach Toadstool is a princess that rules over the Mushroom Kingdom. She is always getting kidnapped by someone, she cannot defend herself what so ever, and no, the Super Smash Bros. games do not count, and she is very very feminine. Overall, she is the basic damsel in distress.
Now, what most people don't know about Princess Peach, is that ever since her debut in 1985, Peach has appeared in more games than any female character in video game history. Now, you think after all of this time, she would at least develop some sort of plan to prevent her constant abductions, right? Wrong. After 24 years, she has yet to find a way to prevent fiends from taking her hostage. Hell, she doesn't even put up a fight!
I am starting to think that she purposefully gets kidnapped, just to gain attention, especially from Mario. I mean, think about it for a second here, nearly every time she has been abducted, Mario is usually the one to save her. Now people have made constant jokes about Peach sleeping with her main captor, Bowser, and I am pretty sure that would explain why he would have so many children, but I tend to think of that theory as nothing more than a little joke. Either way, Princess Peach has been in danger numorous times, and doesn't even take precausions afterwards to ensure her safty. One of these days, she just might end up dead.

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